This is DME Branding
Branding is an essential part of every business, big or small.
It conveys your ideas and views to the world and also connects you with your potential consumers.
Effective branding reaches more and more people, which in turn positively grows your business.
Effective branding actually affects your customers’ buying patterns, decisions and behavior.
Branding combines elements of consumer psychology and marketing, so its impacts on your business is tremendously important.
Branding is a way of identifying your business — it gives a meaning to every organization, company, product and service by creating and shaping a brand in consumers’ mind, and how they recognize and experience your business. A strong brand is more than a name, term, design, symbol or feature that distinguishes your goods or service from those of other sellers. It’s more than just a logo – it’s reflected in everything — it’s who you are and what you’re all about, it’s your message, your customer service style, your location, all your marketing materials and advertising and beyond. It’s who you, and your customers, align and associate with.
Dark Moon develops branding partnerships both for celebrities and businesses we partner them with, to achieve like-minded goals and provide quality products ad services to their followers.
We handle everything — customizing the campaign itself to suit your needs from conception to finish, be it logo revamps, positioning in the marketplace, likeness rights and mascoting, co-operative branding, in-content opportunities, private lines, endorsement, appearances and more.
Celebrities we worked with included Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Victoria and David Beckham, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, Slash, Fergie, Gwen Stefani, Liv Tyler and Trent Reznor.
To request a quote, visit our CONTACT page now.